Monday, August 31, 2009

Alahai Tun Musa Hitam

Berikut adalah sebahagian daripada temubual Tun Musa Hitam dengan 3 wartawan Utusan yang membicarakan tentang kemelut UMNO dan masalah kepimpinan Melayu. Beliau telah memberikan huraian yang panjang lebar dan menyebut beberapa nama besar dalam UMNO - dulu dan sekarang. Beliau juga turut menyatakan sumbangan besar yang mereka berikan. Malangnya Tun Musa masih dalam “denial mood” kerana individu yang paling banyak mempengarohi dan menentukan scenario politik Melayu pada masa kini tidak disentuh langsung oleh beliau. Individu yang dimaksudkan tidak dan tidak bukan adalah Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. DSAI telah berjaya memecahkan kekuatan politik Melayu kepada 4 iaitu UMNO, PKR, PAS dan kumpulan ‘atas pagar”. Mungkin pengarohi DSAI memang disedari tetapi kerana ego UMNO maka beliau masih dianggap sebagai bukan liabiliti. Selagi UMNO merasakan yakin DSAI bukan satu masalah maka selagi itulah UMNO tidak akan mendapat tempat di dalam hato orang-orang Melalyu. Bagi saya sendiri - saya sangat pening dan sangat risau serta tidak pasti apa yang berlaku nanti kepada nasib orang Melayu.

Ubah pendekatan lapuk

MINGGUAN: Mungkin Tun boleh nyatakan kenapa Tun dilihat agak menyepikan diri sekian lama?

MUSA : Saya sebenarnya sudah lama tidak mahu diwawancara oleh mana-mana akhbar sama ada media cetak atau media elektronik. Lebih-lebih lagi selepas pilihan raya 2004 dan 2008 kerana saya bosan dengan politik yang berlaku dalam negara. Saya ingin bercakap terus terang, saya bosan dengan apa yang terjadi di kalangan UMNO sendiri yang mana saya sendiri pernah memegang pelbagai jawatan dan menjadi ahli berpuluh-puluh tahun dan masih menjadi ahlinya hingga kini.

Kebosanan saya ini adalah bagaimana kerajaan yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan kepada UMNO dan Barisan Nasional (BN) berkecamuk begitu teruk hinggakan kita kalah banyak sama ada di Parlimen dan di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN). Saya berpendapat tidak guna saya mengadakan sebarang wawancara kerana dibimbangi akan menyuarakan kritikan yang keras. Ini kemudiannya pasti akan mendapat bantahan dari ahli-ahli UMNO sebagai seorang ahli yang tidak setia. Ini kerana kesetiaan kepada UMNO adalah sangat penting.

Waktu saya bercanggah pemikiran dengan Tunku Abdul Rahman bersama dengan Dr. Mahathir apabila saya membuat pengumuman untuk berhenti sebagai Timbalan Menteri selepas tahun 1969, saya telah diminta untuk mengangkat sumpah menyatakan kesetiaan kepada Tunku. Tun Razak telah meminta saya pergi berjumpa Tunku meminta maaf dan menyatakan kesetiaan. Tun Razak begitu rapat dan menjaga saya maka saya bersetuju untuk pergi. Tun Razak mahu ikut tetapi saya tidak mahu beliau turut serta. Namun saya akan tetap menyampaikan pendapat saya. Ini prinsip hidup saya.

Apabila saya meletak jawatan, kenyataan saya ialah akan terus setia kepada parti, bangsa dan negara. Tidak saya sebutkan tentang pemimpin. Tidak ada yang peribadi tetapi itu soal prinsip hidup saya. Bagi saya apabila seseorang pemimpin melakukan sesuatu tindakan yang salah dan tidak boleh diterima rakyat, saya tidak akan menyokongnya. Tidak ada istilah absolute loyalty kepada pemimpin bagi saya. Itu prinsip saya dalam politik.

Maka apabila saya melihat keadaan UMNO yang berkecamuk itu saya melihat adalah lebih baik saya mendiamkan diri. Tidak payahlah saya membuat sesuatu yang menarik perhatian kepada saya sendiri. Namun begitu saya juga memainkan peranan saya dalam diam. Lebih baik begitu dari mengeluarkan kenyataan terbuka kepada umum yang boleh memesongkan rakyat tentang isu sebenar yang berlaku pada waktu itu. Cara saya berbeza, contohnya bila saya berjumpa dengan penganjur penting saya akan luahkan pandangan saya.



Thursday, August 27, 2009

Let Malaysians advertise Pendet and wayang

Let Malaysians advertise Pendet and wayang

Riyadi Suparno , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Thu, 08/27/2009 12:52 PM | Headlines

We Indonesians are simply overreacting in our response to Malaysia's use of the Balinese Pendet dance in promotional TV spots. We are acting like a big brother and bullying our younger brother. And such responses will not help us become a better nation.

First, it was a small protest from a group of Balinese people, the rightful owner of the dance, then unfortunately it grew into a nationwide condemnation of Malaysia.

Just read the comments posted at or many other Internet forums discussing the issue, and you will easily find many condemnations from Indonesians against Malaysia, some even urging the government to ganyang (invade) Malaysia, invoking memories of the time Indonesia was in confrontation with Malaysia.

Unwisely, the government responded in the same way, with the tourism minister summoning the Malaysian embassy's top official and sending a letter of protest to his counterpart in Kuala Lumpur.

But it did not stop there. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono joined the fray, calling on the Malaysian government to deal more carefully with "sensitive" cultural issues between the two countries.

Our responses have really gone too far. Just read this news from Antara: Diponegoro University (Undip), one of Indonesia's leading institutes of higher learning, has stopped admitting Malaysian students for the 2009-2010 academic year in an expression of "nationalism".

"We have done it as a concrete expression of our sense of nationalism," Undip rector Susilo Wibowo said Tuesday as quoted by Antara, after attending a ceremony to mark the induction of new students.

But we don't know the real reasons behind it. It could be because there were no Malaysian students applying to study at the university this academic year, which begins in July.

The point here is that we just overreacted to this issue, or worse, we tried to bully one of our closest neighbors.

Malaysia uses various Asian cultural expressions, especially Chinese and Indian, in its tourism campaign "Malaysia Truly Asia". China and India have never protested Malaysia's use of their cultural heritage in its tourism campaigns.

Why then are we so angry whenever Malaysia uses our cultural heritage, including the Pendet, batik and wayang in their tourism campaigns? In reality, though, Malaysia has never claimed the Pendet as their dance, batik as their craft or wayang as their performance.

These are Indonesian cultural expressions brought to Malaysia by the millions of Indonesians who moved there, mostly as migrant workers.

If it's an issue of rights, we don't have copyrights for most of our cultural products. Much, if not the majority of our cultural heritage, was created by our ancestors for the good of society and mankind.

For instance, many of our best classical Javanese gamelan compositions were written by anonymous composers. They were composed for the kings and the people, and the composers deliberately did not put their names there, much less copyrighted them.

Before Indonesia existed, anyone could play these compositions, even people from outside the Javanese kingdom. Now that Indonesia exists, does it mean nobody outside Indonesia can play and use them in their tourism campaigns, even if they have gamelan groups in their own countries?

Currently, hundreds of gamelan groups exist outside Indonesia. If they wish to promote their groups or if their country wishes to use these gamelan groups to promote tourism, they have every right to use gamelan images in their campaign.

Thus instead of getting angry or sending letter of protests or stopping admitting Malaysian students, we should be more positive and collaborate with the Malaysian government to promote our culture in that country.

When there are more Malaysians dancing the Pendet and playing the gamelan and to Indonesian pop songs, it will only mean more benefits, and not losses, to Indonesia. It will mean more commerce and tourism between the two countries.

Not only that, it would also strengthen cultural ties between the two nations.

Similarly, if Malaysia advertises more Indonesian cultural heritage, it would bring more benefits than losses to us.

Let says, Malaysia advertises the Pendet, and tourists go there because of the advertisement. There is a great chance these tourists will continue on to Bali to see the Pendet at its source. So it not only saves us precious advertising dollars - which we rarely ever spend anyway - but also brings in dollar from more tourist visits.

So let Malaysians dance our Pendet and play our wayang and advertise them. It will only do good things for us in Indonesia.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ijazah palsu?

Sudah ramaikah rakyat Malaysia yang membeli ijazah2 kedoktoran dan ijazah kehormat dewasa ini? Amalan ini mengikut STAR Online sudah lama berlaku dan telah melibatkan orang yang terkenal dan berkuasa. Kenapa mereka sanggup menipu? Contohnya pada satu masa dulu heboh diperkatakan terdapat seorang artis yang telah memperolehi ijazah Kedokotoran yang sedemikian.

Adakah huraian di bawah ini merujuk kepada artis berkenaan?

> a celebrity motivational speaker who has set up a private college (MBA and Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA), European Business School Cambridge of European Union).

Friday, August 21, 2009



Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bar Council Supports PR?


In response to inquiries from the media, we wish to clarify Rohaizat Othman's status as an advocate and solicitor.
The Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board struck Rohaizat Othman off the Roll of Advocates and Solicitors on 7 March 2008 after he was found guilty of misconduct. The Disciplinary Board's decision arose from an investigation into the complaint lodged against Rohaizat Othman by the purchaser of a piece of real property. According to the complaint, Rohaizat Othman failed to refund almost RM 161,000 to the complainant after the transaction was aborted.
Rohaizat Othman appealed against the decision of the Disciplinary Board to the High Court, and the appeal was dismissed on 12 August 2009. He is therefore legally disqualified from practising as an advocate and solicitor.
The finding of misconduct is personal to Rohaizat Othman, as the Disciplinary Board would not hold a lawyer liable for the actions of his/her law partner(s).

George Varughese
Malaysian Bar

MY TAKE : Right or wrong , BC's statement is very damaging to BN candidate. Why now BC? Seems to me that BC is supporting PAS!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

MACC makes arrest in abuse of funds probe

MACC makes arrest in abuse of funds probe

By LOURDES CHARLES (The STAR Online 15 August 2009)

KUALA LUMPUR: An aide to Selangor exco member Ronnie Liu has been arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to assist in investigations into alleged abuse of development funds worth about RM500,000 by several state assemblymen.

Wong Chuan How, 51, who is also a Sepang municipal councillor, was arrested after a brief scuffle with MACC officers at about 9.450am at his Sungai Pelek service centre near Sepang.

My Take : Hasn't the MACC learned anything about to how to arrest and treat their suspects yet? I saw the video clip on TV of arrest and I'm not sure what really happened although it was claimed by the MACC that the suspect fell during the struggle. I have to see the video again if its available anywhere ..

Sunday, August 09, 2009

BN to recapture Selangor

PM tells UMNO members to work hard to win back Selangor from Pakatan. But UMNO needs more that just hard work.

They must ...
1. Make sure Khir Toyo is put a side
2. Make sure Mike Tyson is not in the picture as well
3. Get rid of SYABAS
4. Apa lagi ............

You decide what else .....

Friday, August 07, 2009

Gula tak cukup ?

Kalau anda menaiki kereta dari Ipoh ke KL seperti saya 2 hari lepas dan singgah di bandar2 seperti Tapah, Slim River dan Tg Malim untuk membeli gula, jangan terkejut jika pekedai mengatakan "Gula tak ada! Dah 2 mungkin kami order tapi belum sampai lagi". Bukan saya ke KL untuk cari gula ada tujuan lain tetapi sengaja singgah kerana kedai mamak depan rumah dah tiada gula.

Saya saya hairan bagaimana jadi begitu. Ke mana pergi gula? Kita ada 2 kilang gula yang besar. Satu laporan TV mengatakan bahawa pekan2 di sempadan di utara mempunyai lambakan gula Malaysia yang banyak. Harganyalebih mahal daripada RM 1.50 di sini.

Apabila saya sampai di KL saya terus ke sebuah Mall terkenal dan di situ saya beli gula - 10 paket! Mana tahu entah bila akan ada gula di kedai mamak di depan saya itu. Ini bukan "panic buying" tapi apa hendak dikatakan.

Harap pihak yang berkenaan dapat mengawal perkara ini secepat mungkin. Cukuplah dengan H1Ni dan jerebu. Jangan ditambah satu lagi masalah.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Kenapa banyak sangat accident di Malaysia?

Kalau anda seorang pemandu maka tentu anda pernah diberitahu oleh mekanik supaya ”rotate” tayar selepas satu jangkamasa. ”Rotate” adalah menukar tayar depan ke belakang dan sebaliknya. Ini kerana tayar depan cepat haus (hilang bunga) bagi kereta front-wheel drive. Bila tayar depan dah botak, bahaya kata mekanik/penjual tayar. Kita dinasihat ”rotate”. Tetapi sila lihat video di bawah - Mungkin nasihat mekanik/penjual tayar selama ini salah. Mungkin ini punca banyak perlanggaran di Malaysia.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Mr Bush and Dr Rice

Although this blog is about Malaysia and Malaysian but I like to share the video below. I got it from a course I attended and hope you will love it.

Showdown at Mesjid Negara - AntiISA, ProISA & thePOLICE

Pic (STAR Online, 1 August 2009)

Once again, we have an all out protest against the ISA.

Fighting for their beliefs and ideals?

Fortunately, we have the police but pity them - for they will eventually get the blame. Their presence is to avoid any untoward incident.

Hope all are fine but with thousands of angry and unreasonable human beings whose to say!